Thursday, October 4, 2012

Jessica Biel Workout

With cold weather approaching, not only is my appetite crazy (see post below), I also start to lack motivation to go work out. I live in Puget Sound, WA, and it's already chilly in the mornings and evenings here. This isn't so fun getting out of bed and trying to get psyched up to go to the gym. Lately, I've been working out around lunch time, but I want to switch it up and do early morning workouts. So what do I need? Motivation in the form of learning what others do for their intense workouts. I train not only to lose weight but also for survival. You never know when you might need that extra bit of stamina. When I think of stamina, I think of martial arts. I did karate for years, so I know the endurance needed. I already looked at Maggie Q's workout. Now, I'm looking at Jessica Biel.

The Workout 

Jessica works out six days a week.

  • Combine cardio and weight training in a full body move. Example, using a kettle bell, squat, and as you stand back up, raise the bell over your head. Engaging more muscles burns more, which is why many trainers like moves that require you to work more than one set of muscles. Also, she does a lot of variety of lunges with a medicine ball.
  •  Cardio - Intervals of jogging and sprinting. Kickboxing and shadowboxing. Shadowboxing is where you're fighting an imaginary opponent using martial arts moves. This builds up endurance and speed over time.
  • Calisthenics/Plyometrics - some exercises include sumo squats (squat low and then jump up to standing), stair jumps (jump up on each individual stair all the way up the flight). 
  • Weight training - Jessica uses both free weights and her own body weight. Training should be three times a week for each muscle group. 
  • Yoga - she uses it three times a week for strengthening and stretching. 
  • Ab training to strengthen the core. A lot of power comes from the core, and Jessica would do crunches and leg lifts. She also does a lot of planks; she holds them for 30 seconds each.
Overall, Jessica takes her training seriously and works hard at it.She also does a variety of workouts, such as volleyball and hiking, so as to not get bored

Eat plenty of whole, nutritious foods. Skimping is never recommended. She follows a rule by Bob Harper and that is complex carbs in the morning and then stopping after lunch.

All Over Health
Getting enough sleep, drinking lots of water, having a healthy diet, and staying away from alcohol are musts. 


  1. Those will be some great workouts for you! I train in taekwondo..I am at it several times a week..usually 4x but that is increasing to 5 or 6 a week right now, have a fight to get ready for! I love the feeling after a great workout..feels amazing!

    1. I did karate for years and loved it! I'm trying to find a new dojo in my new town. I think we have taekwondo, and I've always wanted to try it, so I might be going there soon! Good luck on the fight!
